About SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com

 SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com is a blog dedicated to teaching you how to “Transform your wallet and your life!” In other words, this blog shows you how to fatten up your wallet with more cash so you can afford the life you want.

  • skinny wallet: skinny because there’s not enough cash to keep it full
  • fat wallet: what your skinny wallet transforms into once it’s stuffed with cash

Affiliate marketing for beginners

That’s what Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet focuses on primarily. But much of the information on Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet is helpful to affiliate marketers of all but the highest levels.

More specifically, Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet focuses on
affiliate marketing for beginners who are struggling
in dead-end jobs with low wages.

People of all income brackets will find the information on Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet useful. But, those who will find it most useful are the working poor: those who, no matter how hard they work, have not been able to permanently overcome the barriers to getting out of poverty.

Affiliate, Affiliate Marketing & Affiliate Marketer:
what those terms mean

affiliate: A person or organization officially attached to a larger body. (Oxford Dictionaries)
(The “person” will be you and the “larger body” will be an online retailer.)
affiliate marketing: A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals. (Oxford Dictionaries)
(“Commission” is a percentage (usually 2-50%) of the money the online retailer makes and the “external website” will be your website.)
affiliate marketer: the person who: 

  1.  owns the website that refers people to the online retailer: and
  2. gets paid commissions by the online retailer.

(That will be YOU!)

Nearly all of the best-known online retailers have affiliate marketing programs: programs you can join for free, that will pay you commissions for the customers you send to their websites. Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet teaches you how to find, and qualify for, the best affiliate marketing programs.

Affiliate marketing can be confusing at first.

There’s a lot to affiliate marketing. Much of it can be baffling, especially if you start out as I did, not even knowing how to build a website.

Time spent in confusion is time wasted and I want people to start making money online as quickly as possible.

So – here on SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com – I’m breaking each subject down fully, and explaining it in beginner-friendly terms. It takes a long time to write all that content and organize it in a logical, step-by-step manner. (But it IS coming, I promise)!

You can have true job security, financial independence and financial stability.

No more working your guts out for peasant wages. No more inhumane schedules or unreasonable demands.

You’ll no longer have to work when you’re sick. You can’t get fired if you have to take time off to deal with a tragedy or emergency.

Are you tired of settling, tired of “making do” or living without?

Are you tired of living one accident, illness or unfortunate life event away from plummeting back into poverty? For most of my adult life, that was my situation. So, I understand that life all too well.

If you’re stuck with dead end jobs, failing over and over again to escape the poverty trap – I can help you break out of the poverty cycle, for good! (I can help you even if your situation isn’t quite so dire.) 😉

You can do what you love and turn it into a full-time online career.

You don’t need to be highly-educated, or rich, or have connections with the rich and powerful, to build a lucrative affiliate marketing career for yourself. You don’t have to be a technology wizard or computer genius. You don’t need to know how to code.

With affiliate marketing, you can have true freedom – financial freedom and time freedom – for yourself. And, since all the work you’ll do is online, you can work from anywhere in the world that has a dependable internet connection. So – if you want it – you can have location freedom too.

How to pull yourself out of poverty

Affiliate marketing is a realistic way for even poor people to make good money online. It’s something;

  • you’re capable of learning and can become good at,
  • you can start in your free time,
  • that will eventually generate a full-time income,
  • that doesn’t require you to buy merchandise: and
  • that doesn’t require a fortune to start or maintain.

For poor people, affiliate marketing is THE key to achieving financial success.

How to escape poverty in America or other industrially-advanced country: build your own business!

  • Start small, with something you know or can learn in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Opt for something you can start for free, and run for as close to free as possible.
  • Choose the least physically-demanding business possible.
  • Choose a business you can run in your spare time until it starts making enough money to support you.

An affiliate marketing business is all of those things!

Affiliate marketing is nothing like a job you’re forced to do because it’s your best – or only – option for making money. Affiliate marketing is a business, which you;

  • own,
  • have full and absolute control of,
  • make all the decisions for,
  • build from the ground up: and
  • customize to your strengths and interests.

I’ll teach you, step-by-step, how to do it.

If you want more from life, this is your wake-up call.

If you want more, if you’re tired of settling, keep an eye on Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet. If you haven’t yet, you should bookmark this blog.

There’s an affiliate marketing step-by-step, how-to guide coming. It;

  • shreds the pretty promises and tells you the truth,
  • exposes common beginner mistakes and shows you how to avoid them,
  • fully defines the words and phrases you’ll need to understand,
    • Unlike others who teach people affiliate marketing, I don’t assume beginners will magically comprehend words and phrases unfamiliar to them.
  • gives you all the details for each step – details others either skim over or skip entirely: and
  • tells you simple, easy things you should be doing right from the start, that will greatly increase how much money you make and help you start making money much sooner (things I didn’t learn until my second and third years).

And, the guide does it all in plain, simple language even complete beginners can understand.

If you read the guide, and take action on the steps in it, it will improve your life in ways you can’t even image right now.

The guide is taking a looong time to write because it’s so detailed, but it will get done and it’s not something you want to miss!

What you can learn on SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com

How to pull yourself out of poverty

SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com shows you;

  • how to pull yourself out of poverty: and
  • how become financially independent and stay that way.

Because – what’s the point of getting one step ahead, if life knocks you four steps back every time you do? When you’re one of the working poor – when you’re living paycheck to paycheck – that’s precisely what life does. Every. Damned. Time.

It’s very likely affiliate marketing is the solution you’ve been looking for.

I promise – if you’ll follow the advice on this blog, and take action on it, you will eventually reach a point where a “minor” event no longer turns your world upside down. If;

  • your car breaks down: or
  • your babysitter quits without notice: or
  • you or a loved one get sick: or, hell, even if
  • you just want to take time off to cuddle your pet…
    … you can have zero fear you’ll lose your job.

Why? Because you won’t have a job: you’ll have a career. You’ll have your own business – one I’ll teach you to fine-tune to your unique interests.

DISCLAIMER: SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com doesn’t teach you – or advise you on – investment strategies. I teach you how to make an excellent income with your online affiliate marketing business. What you do with that income is up to you.

Affiliate marketing: what’s the catch?

There’s no “catch”, but there are unpleasant, and unavoidable, facts. (And some really great facts, too!)

There are many types of online businesses, but I recommend affiliate marketing because it’s the easiest business for a total beginner* to understand and make excellent money with.

* even a beginner who doesn’t yet know how to build a website

And, affiliate marketing gets a huge amount of bonus points for this reason: everyone who does it gets to choose exactly what his/her work will be based on – that thing, whatever it is – that s/he has a deep interest in.

My deep interest is teaching the working poor how to escape poverty. Yours might be green living, infant care, fishing, youth services, stamp collecting, or something else.

What you choose to focus your work on doesn’t matter nearly as much as learning what affiliate marketing is and how to make excellent money doing it.

You can find in-depth details about affiliate marketing – and what it is and how to do it – throughout SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com, but the first thing you should do is read Online Affiliate Marketing: An Overview For Beginners (LINK COMING)

Reading the overview should be enough to let you decide if affiliate marketing is something you’re interested in. If it is, great – you’re on the perfect site to learn about it in-depth. If it isn’t, you will have saved yourself wasted time and effort, by finding that out before you got involved in it.

Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet is the only website…

… that gives you ALL the facts you need, to decide if affiliate marketing is a viable option – not for people in general, but for you, specifically.

When I was first researching affiliate marketing on Google, I found:

  • lots of bullsh**, half-truths and misleading promises: and
  • only about a quarter of the facts I needed, in order to make an informed decision about affiliate marketing’s likelihood of being the solution I’d been hoping for.

On Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet, you’ll find all the facts. Some you’ll love, some you may hate, but three things will be obvious to you;

  1. the facts here are facts – they’re truthful and complete,
  2. no one else gives you so much information for free,
  3. no one else, not even those who charge you for information, breaks affiliate marketing down as thoroughly and makes it as easy to understand.

You’ll know, for sure, whether affiliate marketing will work for you and your situation. And, if you do go into affiliate marketing, the facts and information you find here will save you months of frustration and delay.

Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet is growing slowly…

… but it’s growing. I’m getting content written and published as quickly as I can.

And don’t forget, there’s an affiliate marketing step-by-step, how-to guide coming. If you read it, and take action on the steps in it, it will improve your life in ways you can’t even image right now.

There’s a lot more coming too, and it will be just as useful to you. If you haven’t yet…

… bookmark SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com so you won’t forget its name and be unable to find it later.

What’s coming will;

  1. open a door for you, to a marvelous world of freedom and prosperity: and
  2. illuminate the easiest path up and over, or around, obstacles all beginners must face: and
  3. guide you along that path, jackhammering stumbling blocks out of your way.

You don’t want to risk missing the opportunity to find out if that’s a journey you want to make!

What you should do right after bookmarking this site, is read Online Affiliate Marketing: An Overview For Beginners (link coming) and see if you don’t agree: affiliate marketing is THE solution for getting out of poverty and achieving the American dream.

See you again soon!

PS:  SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com’s original “About” page had nearly 4000 words. Realizing I might be the only person fascinated with the lengthy history of how Skinny Wallet Fat Wallet came to be, I removed it. That helped slash this page to less than half as long as it was originally. If you’d ever like to read the original, it’s here…

Oct 19, 2018:  About SkinnyWalletFatWallet.com: original version, archived

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